"My chief
debt is to a great editor, Ruth Mills. To my mind, being a great editor means being a great manager. To pull the best
from faltering writers requires a formidable array of personal assets: forbearance and firmness, perseverance and patience,
purposiveness and flexibility. Ruth has them all, and I feel privileged to have been able to work with her."
A. Brawer, author of Fictions of Business: Insights on Management from Great Literature, and retired
CEO of Maidenform, Inc.
"Every first-time author should be so fortunate as to have Ruth walk
them through the intricacies of book writing. Someone whose thoughts move at the speed of light, and talks nearly as
fast, Ruth is a walking clearinghouse when it comes to suggestions and ideas for sharpening prose. She was consistently
upbeat and encouraging throughout this project and juggled the roles of editor, psychologist, and confidante with panache."
S. Walker, co-author of "Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun?" How Reginald Lewis Created a Billion-Dollar
Business Empire
"The Book of Business Wisdom would not have been possible without
Ruth Mills, my editor at John Wiley & Sons. I thank her foremost, and will always be grateful to her. Throughout
the project, Ruth's enthusiasm and flexibility were exceptional and inspirational."
Krass, editor of The Book of Business Wisdom: Classic Writings by the Legends of Commerce and Industry
(and five other Wisdom books)
"We are indebted foremost to Ruth Mills...[who] offered
brilliant suggestions and continuous encouragement. Her unflagging enthusiasm for the project lifted our spirits at
every step. She is deservedly the mother of this book's invention."
--Allyn Freeman and Bob Golden,
authors of Why Didn't I Think of That? Bizarre Origins of Ingenious Inventions We Couldn't Live Without
Mills, my developmental editor, was a superb sounding board and pricelessly blunt critic, and her efforts to broaden the work
are the reason I think most readers will recognize in extremis leadership in their daily lives."
A. Kolditz, author of In Extremis Leadership: Leading as if Your Life Depended on It
thanks go to the Wiley staff, who provided the practical guidance and help that make dreams become reality...with great warmth
and affection to Ruth Mills, whose encouragement and attentiveness spanned the continent and whose contributions improved
this effort greatly; and to Vito Tanzi, who told Ruth about me and my passion for consulting, and enabled me to meet the editor
every writer dreams of but seldom meets."
--Marsha D. Lewin, author of The Overnight
Consultant: What You Need to Know Immediately to Jump-Start Your Consulting Career